At LIC we understand the need for dairy farmers to build a sustainable, resilient and profitable business. But it’s a demanding industry to operate in. Driving efficiency and profitability to secure your future, while remaining environmentally conscious, comes with challenges.
That’s why the Pasture to Profit network was established, to ensure you’re supported at every step of the process as you reach your business goals.
Pasture to Profit is a collaborative network of like-minded farm consultants and dairy farmers from around the UK dedicated to maximising profits from pasture-based dairy farming.
By acknowledging changing trends in the dairy industry and encouraging forward-thinking, the consultants work alongside dairy farmers to create a more sustainable future and enjoyable lifestyle on their farms. Unlocking the potential to grow more grass, creating a system that increases productivity, efficiency and profitability for their farm and, in-turn, improving quality of life, is at the heart of our system.
To achieve this, farmers are offered access to group support sessions, specialised services, and bespoke one on one consultancy. Find out more below:
Discussion groups
Comprising of like-minded farmers in your region, the Pasture to Profit consultants facilitate ‘Discussion Group’ meetings throughout the year. These bring expert knowledge and experience together to cover a range of topics that are relevant to your farm. Whether it’s challenges you’re facing as you head into breeding season, slurry management or financial performance, find out how to overcome these challenges, learn new skills to help you achieve your goals, and hear success stories from your peers.
Once a year the consultants undertake a comparable farm profit meeting where we review the physical and financial performance of the business involved and set targets for the new year to help the members achieve their business goals.
Grazing management
For high input farmers looking to take on more grazing, whether it’s to take a step closer towards block calving or to meet the requirements of changing milk contracts, the Pasture to Profit consultants can help. They work closely with farmers to map out a system to ensure your herd is highly productive when grazing or housed.
Changing systems
Moving into an autumn, spring or all-year-round system can seem a daunting task and often farmers don’t know where to begin. Pasture to Profit consultants have the knowledge and experience to help farmers transition to pasture-based farming systems, with ease. They can provide in-person, step-by-step guidance and support throughout the entire process.
Mating management & performance
Mating time is the most important few months of the year for farmers. Success here means sustainability and productivity for years to come. To confirm you’re on the right track, the farm solutions consultants will assess your mating processes and results, identify any issues that might be impacting productivity, and will offer tips and advice where they see improvements can be made.
Stock management
Managing stock adequately from the time they are young calves through to maturity, impacts productivity performance. Farmers need to make sure that a heifer hits her targets during her life and is as productive as possible to ensure the sustainability of the farm. The farm solutions consultants assist farmers every step of the way, from calf to cow, then back to calf, ensuring all goals are met throughout the lifetime of the animal.
Feed budgeting
Feed budgeting is core to a productive and sustainable farming system. Pasture to Profit consultants visit farms on request to assess feed management processes and help farmers plan for the year ahead. This ensures farmers can get through a winter or drought with adequate silage, so they don’t end up paying high prices.
Annual review
To continuously improve and become more productive, farmers need to understand what aspects of their farming systems work and what might need improvement. Using up to date benchmarking, the expert consultants are there to help you with your annual assessment of your breeding plan, constantly reviewing your feeding regime and will provide an in-depth report summarising your current situation with ideas as to how you can improve for the following season.
1:1 support
We know every farm is different. Pasture to Profit consultants offer a personalised service where they jointly work through your requirements for profitability, and will deliver. That could be monthly visits to assess your breeding management plans or assistance with records management and financial performance reviews. Whatever you need from our consultants, we can provide a service that suits your needs.
Contact a Pasture to Profit consultant today for support and advice on how you can improve the profitability and sustainability of your dairy farming business.