How to

Dornauf Farms grass management and use LIC semen in Australia
Dornauf Farms grass management and use LIC semen in Australia

How to manage your grass when the sun comes

Ongoing social distancing and the spring weather have made the past month very unusual. I believe it has been the longest period of sustained sunshine I’ve experienced since arriving from New Zealand 10 years ago. While fine weather is welcome it has farmers nervous about the season to come.

How to cope with a difficult spring

Managing this year’s ‘spring flush’ will be a challenge for us all. With the unprecedented amount of rain over spring, farmers in the North have struggled to adhere to their spring rotation plans.

LIC UK farmer planning session

Tips for pre-mating this season

Mating time is the most important few months of the year for farmers. Success here means sustainability and productivity for years to come.

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