Tag: Pasture to Profit

LIC Pasture to Profit webinar
LIC Pasture to Profit webinar

Pasture to Profit Insights 2021 webinar

LIC Europe offers you an opportunity to attend our Pasture to Profit Insight 2021 webinar. David Beca runs through key insights for UK dairy farmers in these unpredictable times.

out wintered heifers on kale turnips and mustard

Is your pasture management up to scratch?

Can you afford to ignore the potential that grass and grazing can offer your livestock business? With LIC help is available to learn from the experiences of others local to you.

LIC UK cows grazing in field

Grazing is still possible

As autumn has progressed in the north, grazing for many farmers has become a real challenge. Pasture to Profit Consultant Bess Jowsey offers some advice.

LIC Newstead lab straws

Advice on reducing the number of short returns during mating

With autumn block farmers gearing up for the start of mating, the main focus is around getting cows back in calf and, more importantly, back in calf at the front end of the block. Are you doing it the most cost-effective way? Is there a way you can keep your block tight while reducing costs?

Closeup of grass in field

Set your farm up for success

Many of us will have commenced our last grazing rotation around the farm. The final rotation is your last chance to set your farm up for a successful early turnout next year.

tractor ploughing field for reseeding

Reseeding – evolution, not revolution

As farmers start thinking of autumn reseeds, pasture to profit consultant Sean Chubb runs through some options to help mitigate the risk of a feed shortage during summer

Bess Jowsey on a farm in Northern England

Rain brings some relief

Rainfall across the north has brought some relief to farmers, although without more in some areas this is just enough to keep things growing for a few weeks. Soil conditions are still firm making achieving consistent even residuals easier as the rotations build.

Dornauf Farms grass management and use LIC semen in Australia

How to manage your grass when the sun comes

Ongoing social distancing and the spring weather have made the past month very unusual. I believe it has been the longest period of sustained sunshine I’ve experienced since arriving from New Zealand 10 years ago. While fine weather is welcome it has farmers nervous about the season to come.

Make the most of your grass

Life has changed dramatically for me since last month, although feedback from my clients suggests that life on farm is relatively normal – apart from the kids being at home! The weather has also dramatically shifted through April. Ground conditions are now ideal for grazing and in some cases farmers are hoping for a spot of rain to keep things fresh and growing.

Sean Chubb with Holstein Friesian herd on farm in England

Understanding your risk in uncertain times

The impact of the COVID-19 lockdown now affecting farmers across the UK, and milk buyers are either requesting a decrease in milk supply, reducing the price, deferring payment or, in some cases, a combination of these. LIC’s Pasture to Profit farm consultant Sean Chubb has come up with some clear-cut advice to help dairy producers through these challenging times.

How to cope with a difficult spring

Managing this year’s ‘spring flush’ will be a challenge for us all. With the unprecedented amount of rain over spring, farmers in the North have struggled to adhere to their spring rotation plans.

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